Thanks to everyone who helped make this show so special, in particular our Musical Director Zac Booles, as well as Dick Knight, Martin York, Bill Traynor, Tim Oxbrough, Andrew Motson, Paul Searson, Brian Sargent and Ian Gooding, not forgetting all the wives and partners who worked tirelessly on the night "front of house". A particular thank you to Mike McWhinney and Wendy Rogers who worked so hard to organise the raffle, which raised the magnificent sum of £405!
As always, Len Matthews, one of the chorus’s Honorary Life members, was a tremendous Master of Ceremonies, and we are also very grateful to Glenn Chaney and Lace City Chorus, who delivered such an outstanding performance, as did the three wonderful quartets who supported the show, Finest Hour, Chaos and Crown Derby.
Finally, the event also provided an opportunity to perform our 2018 BABS Convention contest set for the first time in front of an audience. With three weeks to go to our pre-Convention “retreat” weekend, this will allow our Music and Performance teams to identify and implement whatever changes and improvements are required, so that we deliver the best possible performance at the UK Men’s Barbershop Competition, in Harrogate at the end of May.
Nelson Blackley - PRO Grand Central Chorus